时间:2023-01-25 10:07:05 | 栏目:Python代码 | 点击:次
所以这版降低了难度 (由原来过关增加5km/h改为3.5KM/h)
并通过反射代替IF ELSE的写法,删除了一些冗余的代码,将代码由85行压缩到了68行 (不必要的压缩代码是不建议的,这里压缩代码只是为了好玩)
python 3+
pygame包 安装命令:打开cmd 输入: pip install pygame
import pygame,sys,random SCREEN,dirction_node = 600, {pygame.K_LEFT:['left',-25],pygame.K_RIGHT:['right',25],pygame.K_UP:['top',-25],pygame.K_DOWN:['top',25]} # 屏幕尺寸,移动的定义 class Snake: # 蛇类 def __init__(self): # 初始化各种需要的属性 [开始时默认向右/身体块x5] self.dirction, self.body = pygame.K_RIGHT, [] [self.add_node() for _ in range(5)] def add_node(self): node = pygame.Rect(((self.body[0].left, self.body[0].top) if self.body else (0, 0)) + (25, 25)) # 随时增加蛇块 setattr(node, dirction_node[self.dirction][0], getattr(node, dirction_node[self.dirction][0]) + dirction_node[self.dirction][1]) self.body.insert(0, node) def is_dead(self): body_h = self.body[0] if body_h.x not in range(SCREEN) or body_h.y not in range(SCREEN) or body_h in self.body[1:]: # 撞墙、撞自己则死亡 return True def move(self): self.add_node() self.body.pop() def change_direction(self, curkey): # 改变方向 但是左右、上下不能被逆向改变 LR, UD = [pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_RIGHT], [pygame.K_UP, pygame.K_DOWN] if curkey in LR + UD: if not ((curkey in LR) and (self.dirction in LR) or (curkey in UD) and (self.dirction in UD)): self.dirction = curkey class Food: # 食物类 def __init__(self): self.rect = pygame.Rect(-25, 0, 25, 25) def remove(self): self.rect.x = -25 def set(self): if self.rect.x == -25: allpos = [pos for pos in range(75, SCREEN - 75, 25)] # 生成的食物距离墙在75 ~ SCREEN-55 之间 self.rect.left, self.rect.top = random.choice(allpos), random.choice(allpos) def show_text(screen, pos, text, color, font_size=30): cur_font = pygame.font.SysFont("SimHei", font_size) # 设置文字样式 text_fmt = cur_font.render(text, True, color) # 设置文字内容 screen.blit(text_fmt, pos) # 绘制文字 def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN, SCREEN)) pygame.display.set_caption('贪吃蛇:是男人就坚持到第10关!') snake,food,clock, scores, isdead = Snake(),Food(),pygame.time.Clock(), 0, False while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: snake.change_direction(event.key) if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and isdead: # 死后按space重新 return main() screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) if not isdead: # 画蛇身 / 每一步+1分 snake.move() for rect in snake.body: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (144, 238, 144), rect) isdead = snake.is_dead() # 显示死亡文字 if isdead: show_text(screen, (150, 200), '翻车了!', (227, 29, 18), 80) show_text(screen, (50, 320), '是男人就超过45KM/h,按空格键重试...', (0, 0, 22)) if food.rect == snake.body[0]: # 当食物rect与蛇头重合,吃掉 -> Snake增加一个Node scores += 1 # 食物处理 / 吃到+1分 food.remove() snake.add_node() food.set() # 食物投递 pygame.draw.rect(screen, (233, 150, 122), food.rect) speed = 10 + scores * 3.5 if scores else 10 # 蛇移动速度 show_text(screen, (20, 550), '关卡:' + str(scores) + ' 速度:' + str(speed) + 'KM/h', (0, 0, 205)) # 显示得分和速度 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(speed) main()