时间:2022-12-07 09:38:34 | 栏目:Python代码 | 点击:次
BaseUrl = "http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city={}"
{'data': {'yesterday': {'date': '5日星期六', 'high': '高温 16℃', 'fx': '东北风', 'low': '低温 9℃', 'fl': '<![CDATA[3级]]>', 'type': '多云'}, 'city': '九江', 'forecast': [{'date': '6日星期天', 'high': '高温 12℃', 'fengli': '<![CDATA[3级]]>', 'low': '低温 7℃', 'fengxiang': '东北风', 'type': '中雨'}, {'date': '7日星期一', 'high': '高温 14℃', 'fengli': '<![CDATA[2级]]>', 'low': '低温 7℃', 'fengxiang': '北风', 'type': '多云'}, {'date': '8日星期二', 'high': '高温 19℃', 'fengli': '<![CDATA[2级]]>', 'low': '低温 8℃', 'fengxiang': '东南风', 'type': '晴'}, {'date': '9日星期三', 'high': '高温 21℃', 'fengli': '<![CDATA[2级]]>', 'low': '低温 11℃', 'fengxiang': '东南风', 'type': '晴'}, {'date': '10日星期四', 'high': '高温 23℃', 'fengli': '<![CDATA[1级]]>', 'low': '低温 11℃', 'fengxiang': '南风', 'type': '多云'} ], 'ganmao': '感冒多发期,适当减少外出频率,适量补充水分,适当增减衣物。', 'wendu': '8'}, 'status': 1000, 'desc': 'OK'}
这里不得不说一下,中国天气网 yyds 这个接口完全没有限制。为啥,我要做的是获取全国的天气信息,包括县城,中国大大小小几千个县城,而且还要分时段去分析,所以每天的请求访问至少2w起步。如果有限制的话,咱们就得那啥反反爬了,但是通过我的测试,没问题。
import requests from datetime import datetime class GetWeather(object): urlWheather = "http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city={}" requests = requests error = {} today = datetime.today().day weekday = datetime.today().weekday() week = {0:"星期一",1:"星期二",2:"星期三",3:"星期四",4:"星期五",5:"星期六",6:"星期天"} def __getday(self)->str: day = str(self.today)+"日"+self.week.get(self.weekday) return day def get_today_wheather(self,city:str)->dict: data = self.getweather(city) data = data.get("data").get("forecast") today = self.__getday() for today_w in data: if(today_w.get("date")==today): return today_w def getweather(self,city:str,timeout:int=3)->dict: url = self.urlWheather.format(city) try: resp = self.requests.get(url,timeout=timeout) jsondata = resp.json() return jsondata except Exception as e: self.error['error'] = "天气获取异常" return self.error def getweathers(self,citys:list,timeout:int=3): wheathers_data = {} for city in citys: url = self.urlWheather.format(city) try: resp = self.requests.get(url=url,timeout=timeout) wheather_data = resp.json() wheathers_data[city]=wheather_data except Exception as e: self.error['error'] = "天气获取异常" return self.error return wheathers_data if __name__ == '__main__': getwheather = GetWeather() start = time.time() times = 1 for i in range(5000): data = getwheather.get_today_wheather("九江") if((times%100==0)): print(data,"第",times,"次访问") times+=1 print("访问",times,"次耗时",time.time()-start,"秒")
这段代码呢,我做了一个简单的封装。 我们来看看结果,5000次访问花了多久
这里我5000次重复访问的是同一个城市 九江
这个代码的话我是没有封装的,所以看起来比较乱。 这里有几个注意点先说一下
由于这个,异步的话还是使用的操作系统的一个底层嘛,所以这个并发是有上限的,因为这个协程异步是要不断切换的是吧。看起来有点像python自己的多线程,只是这个“多线程”完全是当IO的时候才会切换,不然不会切换。 所以哟啊限制一下
import time import aiohttp from datetime import datetime import asyncio BaseUrl = "http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city={}" WeekIndex = {0:"星期一",1:"星期二",2:"星期三",3:"星期四",4:"星期五",5:"星期六",6:"星期天"} today = datetime.today().day day = str(today)+"日"+WeekIndex.get(datetime.today().weekday()) TIMES = 0 async def request(city:str,semaphore:asyncio.Semaphore,timeout:int = 3): url = BaseUrl.format(city) try: async with semaphore: async with aiohttp.request("GET", url) as resp: data = await resp.json(content_type='') return data except Exception as e: raise e def getwheater(task): data = task.result() return data def get_today_weather(task): global TIMES data = task.result() #得到返回结果 data = data.get("data").get("forecast") for today_w in data: if (today_w.get("date") == day): TIMES+=1#只有IO操作的时候才会切换,所以这个++操作还是一个原子性操作 if(TIMES%100==0): print(today_w,"第",TIMES,"次访问") return today_w if __name__ == '__main__': semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(500) #操作系统上限是同一个时刻509/1024个并发,windows509 linux 1024 start = time.time() tasks = [] for i in range(5000): c = request("九江",semaphore,3) task = asyncio.ensure_future(c) task.add_done_callback(get_today_weather) tasks.append(task) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) print("耗时",time.time() - start,"秒")