时间:2022-09-30 09:26:58 | 栏目:Python代码 | 点击:次
这里要注意,本地的pip需要 安装 python-language-server[all],在ide-python的readme中有详细说明
Remote FTP
{ "protocol": "sftp", "host": "跳板机域名", // string - Hostname or IP address of the server. Default: 'localhost' "port": 跳板机端口, // integer - Port number of the server. Default: 22 "user": "用户名", // string - Username for authentication. Default: (none) "pass": "如果用密钥这里就不用填", // string - Password for password-based user authentication. Default: (none) "promptForPass": false, // boolean - Set to true for enable password/passphrase dialog. This will prevent from using cleartext password/passphrase in this config. Default: false "remote": "实际的服务器目录,例如:/服务器域名/用户名/目录", // try to use absolute paths starting with / "agent": "", // string - Path to ssh-agent's UNIX socket for ssh-agent-based user authentication. Linux/Mac users can set "env" as a value to use env SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable. Windows users: set to 'pageant' for authenticating with Pageant or (actual) path to a cygwin "UNIX socket." Default: (none) "privatekey": "本地私钥path", // string - Absolute path to the private key file (in OpenSSH format). Default: (none) "passphrase": "", // string - For an encrypted private key, this is the passphrase used to decrypt it. Default: (none) "hosthash": "", // string - 'md5' or 'sha1'. The host's key is hashed using this method and passed to the hostVerifier function. Default: (none) "ignorehost": true, "connTimeout": 10000, // integer - How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the SSH handshake to complete. Default: 10000 "keepalive": 10000, // integer - How often (in milliseconds) to send SSH-level keepalive packets to the server (in a similar way as OpenSSH's ServerAliveInterval config option). Set to 0 to disable. Default: 10000 "keyboardInteractive": 如果要用动态令牌,这里就要填true, // boolean - Set to true for enable verifyCode dialog. Keyboard interaction authentication mechanism. For example using Google Authentication (Multi factor) "keyboardInteractiveForPass": false, // boolean - Set to true for enable keyboard interaction and use pass options for password. No open dialog. "remoteCommand": "", "remoteShell": "", "watch":[], "watchTimeout":500, // integer - The duration ( in milliseconds ) from when the file was last changed for the upload to begin. }
需要配置一下Python Executable
python -m ipykernel install --user --name py37
# %%
print('hello atom')# %%
print('每一个# %%代表一个新的cell')
然后在Hydrogen里面通过使用# %%
连接远程的Jupyter只需要配置一下Hydrogen设置里面的Kernel Gateways
[{"name": "Remote server", "options": { "baseUrl": "jupyter url", "token": "jupyter token" } }]
然后点击Connect to Remote Kernel