时间:2022-07-05 13:50:06 | 栏目:Python代码 | 点击:次
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- shopping_list = [ ("Iphone", 5000), ("Delicious food", 48), ("Mac book", 9800), ("Huawei", 4800), ("Alex python", 32), ("coffee", 24) ] shopping_cart = [] salary = raw_input('please input salary: ') if not salary.isdigit(): print "salary must be digit,run again" exit() else: salary = int(salary) while True: print "------products list is--------" for index, item in enumerate(shopping_list): print "\033[32m%s, %s\033[0m" %(index, item) choice = raw_input('please input choice[q(uit)]>>> ') if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if choice < len(shopping_list) and choice >= 0: product = shopping_list[choice] if salary > product[1]: confirm = raw_input('do you want to buy now[y/n]: ') if confirm == 'y': shopping_cart.append(product) salary -= product[1] print "you bought %s,price is %d, your balance is %d" % (product[0], product[1], salary) else: print 'select again' else: add_confirm = raw_input("your balance is: %d, not enough, do you want to add more?[y/n]" % salary) if add_confirm == 'y': add_salary = raw_input('add the money: ') if add_salary.isdigit(): add_salary = int(add_salary) salary += add_salary print "now balance is %d: " % salary else: print "the money must be digit." else: print "------shopping cart list---------: " for index, item in enumerate(shopping_cart): print index, item else: print "choice must be 0~5." elif choice == 'q': remove_product = raw_input("do you want remove product or exits now [y/n] ") if remove_product == "y": print "-----------your shopping cart lists-------------: " for index, item in enumerate(shopping_cart): print index, item remove_choice = raw_input('please input your remove choice>>> ') if remove_choice.isdigit() and int(remove_choice) < len(shopping_cart) and int(remove_choice) >= 0: salary += shopping_cart[int(remove_choice)][1] del shopping_cart[int(remove_choice)] print "-----------new shopping cart lists-------------: " for index, item in enumerate(shopping_cart): print index, item print "your balance is %d" % salary else: print "input error, again" else: print "exit now" exit() else: print "-----------shopping cart lists-------------: " for index, item in enumerate(shopping_cart): print index, item print "\033[31mchoice must be digit,exit\033[0m"