Oracle 统计用户下表的数据量实现脚本
时间:2021-01-22 12:28:21|栏目:Oracle|点击: 次
create table bk_count_tables ( owner VARCHAR2(30), table_name VARCHAR2(30), part_col varchar2(100),--分区字段 row_s number, gather_time date ); create index ind_bct_own_table on bk_count_tables(owner,table_name); set serveroutput on declare cursor c_cursor is select s.OWNER, s.TABLE_NAME, col.column_name part_col from dba_tables s, (select owner, name, listagg(column_name, ',') within group(order by null) column_name from (select owner, name, column_name from dba_part_key_columns where owner in ('TEST') and object_type = 'TABLE' and name not like 'BIN$%' union all select owner, name, column_name from dba_subpart_key_columns where owner in ('TEST') and object_type = 'TABLE' and name not like 'BIN$%') group by owner, name) col where s.OWNER in ('TEST') and not regexp_like(table_name, '[0-9]{3,8}') and s.table_name not like '%BAK%' and s.table_name not like '%A2K%' and s.table_name not like 'BK%' and s.table_name not like 'BIN%' and s.OWNER = col.owner(+) and s.TABLE_NAME = order by s.TABLE_NAME ; c_row c_cursor%rowtype; t_rows number; begin for c_row in c_cursor loop begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from bk_count_tables where owner=:1 and TABLE_NAME=:2 and rownum=1' into t_rows using c_row.OWNER,c_row.TABLE_NAME ; if(t_rows = 0) then execute immediate 'select count(*) from "'||c_row.TABLE_NAME||'"' into t_rows; insert into bk_count_tables values(c_row.OWNER,c_row.TABLE_NAME,c_row.part_col,t_rows,sysdate); commit; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(c_row.OWNER||'---'||c_row.TABLE_NAME); rollback; end; end loop; end; /