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时间:2022-09-20 09:28:21|栏目:Python代码|点击:





Python版本: 3.7.4








def showinfo(self, screen):
    if self.obtain_tips is None: return
    self.show_obtain_tips_count += 1
    if self.show_obtain_tips_count > self.max_obtain_tips_count:
        self.show_obtain_tips_count = 0
        self.obtain_tips = None
    # 画框
    left, top = self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE // 2, 100
    width, height = self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[0] // self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE - 1, 2
    pygame.draw.rect(screen, (199, 97, 20), (left - 4, top - 4, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * width + 8, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * height + 8), 7)
    for col in range(width):
        for row in range(height):
            image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['0'][0]
            image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
            screen.blit(image, (left + col * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, top + row * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
    # 文字
    if isinstance(self.obtain_tips, list):
        assert len(self.obtain_tips) == 2
        font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 30)
        font_render1 = font.render(self.obtain_tips[0], True, (255, 255, 255))
        font_render2 = font.render(self.obtain_tips[1], True, (255, 255, 255))
        rect1 = font_render1.get_rect()
        rect2 = font_render2.get_rect()
        rect1.midtop = left + width * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE // 2, top + 10
        rect2.midtop = left + width * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE // 2, top + 10 + self.blocksize
        screen.blit(font_render1, rect1)
        screen.blit(font_render2, rect2)
        font = pygame.font.Font(self.fontpath, 40)
        font_render = font.render(self.obtain_tips, True, (255, 255, 255))
        rect = font_render.get_rect()
        rect.midtop = left + width * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE // 2, top + height * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE // 2 - 20
        screen.blit(font_render, rect)


def showbuyinterface(self, screen, scenes, shop_type):
    # 购买函数
    def buy(hero, coins_cost=0, experience_cost=0, add_life_value=0, add_attack_power=0, add_defense_power=0, add_level=0, add_yellow_keys=0, add_purple_keys=0, add_red_keys=0):
        if hero.num_coins < coins_cost: return
        if hero.experience < experience_cost: return
        if add_yellow_keys < 0 and hero.num_yellow_keys < 1: return
        if add_purple_keys < 0 and hero.num_purple_keys < 1: return
        if add_red_keys < 0 and hero.num_red_keys < 1: return
        hero.num_coins -= coins_cost
        hero.experience -= experience_cost
        hero.life_value += add_life_value + 1000 * add_level
        hero.attack_power += add_attack_power + 7 * add_level
        hero.defense_power += add_defense_power + 7 * add_level
        hero.level += add_level
        hero.num_yellow_keys += add_yellow_keys
        hero.num_purple_keys += add_purple_keys
        hero.num_red_keys += add_red_keys
    # 选项定义
    # --第三层商店
    if self.map_level_pointer == 3 and shop_type == 'buy_from_shop':
        choices_dict = {
            '增加 800 点生命(25 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=25, add_life_value=800),
            '增加 4 点攻击(25 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=25, add_attack_power=4),
            '增加 4 点防御(25 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=25, add_defense_power=4),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['22'][0]
    # --第十一层商店
    elif self.map_level_pointer == 11 and shop_type == 'buy_from_shop':
        choices_dict = {
            '增加 4000 点生命(100 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=100, add_life_value=4000),
            '增加 20 点攻击(100 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=100, add_attack_power=20),
            '增加 20 点防御(100 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=100, add_defense_power=20),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['22'][0]
    # --第五层神秘老人
    elif self.map_level_pointer == 5 and shop_type == 'buy_from_oldman':
        choices_dict = {
            '提升一级(100 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=100, add_level=1),
            '增加 5 点攻击(30 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=30, add_attack_power=5),
            '增加 5 点防御(30 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=30, add_defense_power=5),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['26'][0]
    # --第十三层神秘老人
    elif self.map_level_pointer == 13 and shop_type == 'buy_from_oldman':
        choices_dict = {
            '提升三级(270 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=270, add_level=1),
            '增加 17 点攻击(95 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=95, add_attack_power=17),
            '增加 17 点防御(95 经验)': lambda: buy(self.hero, experience_cost=95, add_defense_power=17),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['26'][0]
    # --第五层商人
    elif self.map_level_pointer == 5 and shop_type == 'buy_from_businessman':
        choices_dict = {
            '购买 1 把黄钥匙(10 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=10, add_yellow_keys=1),
            '购买 1 把蓝钥匙(50 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=50, add_purple_keys=1),
            '购买 1 把红钥匙(100 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=100, add_red_keys=1),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['27'][0]
    # --第十二层商人
    elif self.map_level_pointer == 12 and shop_type == 'buy_from_businessman':
        choices_dict = {
            '卖出 1 把黄钥匙(7 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=-7, add_yellow_keys=-1),
            '卖出 1 把蓝钥匙(35 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=-35, add_purple_keys=-1),
            '卖出 1 把红钥匙(70 金币)': lambda: buy(self.hero, coins_cost=-70, add_red_keys=-1),
            '离开商店': lambda: buy(self.hero),
        id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['27'][0]
    id_image = pygame.transform.scale(id_image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
    # 主循环
    clock, selected_idx = pygame.time.Clock(), 1
    font = pygame.font.Font(self.cfg.FONT_PATHS_NOPRELOAD_DICT['font_cn'], 20)
    while True:
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        screen.blit(self.background_images['gamebg'], (0, 0))
        for scene in scenes:
            screen.blit(scene[0], scene[1])
        # --按键检测
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    if selected_idx == 4: return
                elif event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    selected_idx = max(selected_idx - 1, 1)
                elif event.key == pygame.K_s or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    selected_idx = min(selected_idx + 1, 4)
        # --对话框
        # ----底色
        width, height = 8, 3
        left, bottom = self.hero.rect.left + self.hero.rect.width // 2 - width // 2 * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.hero.rect.bottom
        for col in range(width):
            for row in range(height):
                image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['0'][0]
                image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
                screen.blit(image, (left + col * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, bottom + row * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
        # ----边框
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (199, 97, 20), (left - 4, bottom - 4, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * width + 8, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * height + 8), 7)
        # ----展示选项
        for idx, choice in enumerate(['请选择:'] + list(choices_dict.keys())):
            if selected_idx == idx and idx > 0:
                choice = '?' + choice
                font_render = font.render(choice, True, (255, 0, 0))
            elif idx > 0:
                choice = '    ' + choice
                font_render = font.render(choice, True, (255, 255, 255))
                font_render = font.render(choice, True, (255, 255, 255))
            rect = font_render.get_rect()
            rect.left, rect.top = left + self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE + 20, bottom + 10 + idx * 30
            screen.blit(font_render, rect)
        # ----展示头像
        screen.blit(id_image, (left + 10, bottom + 10))
        # --刷新




def showjumplevel(self, screen, scenes):
    # 主循环
    clock, selected_level = pygame.time.Clock(), 1
    font = pygame.font.Font(self.cfg.FONT_PATHS_NOPRELOAD_DICT['font_cn'], 20)
    while True:
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        screen.blit(self.background_images['gamebg'], (0, 0))
        for scene in scenes:
            screen.blit(scene[0], scene[1])
        # --按键检测
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    return selected_level
                elif event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    selected_level = max(selected_level - 1, 0)
                elif event.key == pygame.K_s or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    selected_level = min(selected_level + 1, self.max_map_level_pointer)
        # --对话框
        # ----底色
        width, height = 11, 4
        left, top = self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[0] // 2 - width // 2 * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[1] // 2 - height * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE
        for col in range(width):
            for row in range(height):
                image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['0'][0]
                image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
                screen.blit(image, (left + col * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, top + row * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
        # ----边框
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (199, 97, 20), (left - 4, top - 4, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * width + 8, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * height + 8), 7)
        # ----展示选项
        for idx in list(range(self.max_map_level_pointer+1)):
            if selected_level == idx:
                text = f'?第 {idx} 层'
                font_render = font.render(text, True, (255, 0, 0))
                text = f'    第 {idx} 层'
                font_render = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255))
            rect = font_render.get_rect()
            rect.left, rect.top = left + 20 + idx // 6 * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * 2, top + 20 + (idx % 6) * 30
            screen.blit(font_render, rect)
        # --刷新



def showforecastlevel(self, screen, scenes):
    # 主循环
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    font = pygame.font.Font(self.cfg.FONT_PATHS_NOPRELOAD_DICT['font_cn'], 20)
    monsters = self.map_parser.getallmonsters()
    if len(monsters) < 1: return
    monsters_show_pointer, max_monsters_show_pointer = 1, round(len(monsters) / 4)
    show_tip_text, show_tip_text_count, max_show_tip_text_count = True, 1, 15
    return_flag = False
    while True:
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        screen.blit(self.background_images['gamebg'], (0, 0))
        for scene in scenes:
            screen.blit(scene[0], scene[1])
        # --按键检测
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_l:
                    return_flag = True
                elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    monsters_show_pointer = monsters_show_pointer + 1
                    if monsters_show_pointer > max_monsters_show_pointer: monsters_show_pointer = 1
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                if event.key == pygame.K_l and return_flag:
        # --对话框
        # ----底色
        width, height = 14, 5
        left, top = self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[0] // 2 - width // 2 * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.SCREENSIZE[1] // 2 - height * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE
        for col in range(width):
            for row in range(height):
                image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements']['0'][0]
                image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
                screen.blit(image, (left + col * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, top + row * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
        # ----边框
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (199, 97, 20), (left - 4, top - 4, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * width + 8, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * height + 8), 7)
        # ----展示选项
        for idx, monster in enumerate(monsters[(monsters_show_pointer-1)*4: monsters_show_pointer*4]):
            id_image = self.resource_loader.images['mapelements'][monster[6]][0]
            id_image = pygame.transform.scale(id_image, (self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE - 10, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE - 10))
            screen.blit(id_image, (left + 10, top + 20 + idx * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE))
            text = f'名称: {monster[0]}  生命: {monster[1]}  攻击: {monster[2]}  防御: {monster[3]}  金币: {monster[4]}  经验: {monster[5]}  损失: {self.hero.winmonster(monster)[1]}'
            font_render = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255))
            rect = font_render.get_rect()
            rect.left, rect.top = left + 15 + self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE, top + 30 + idx * self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE
            screen.blit(font_render, rect)
        # ----操作提示
        show_tip_text_count += 1
        if show_tip_text_count == max_show_tip_text_count:
            show_tip_text_count = 1
            show_tip_text = not show_tip_text
        if show_tip_text:
            tip_text = '空格键'
            font_render = font.render(tip_text, True, (255, 255, 255))
            rect.left, rect.bottom = self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * width + 30, self.cfg.BLOCKSIZE * (height + 1) + 10
            screen.blit(font_render, rect)
        # --刷新



# 定义所有对话
if self.hero.has_cross:
    conversations = [
        ['仙子, 我已经将那个十字架找到了.'],
        ['你做得很好. 那么现在我就开始', '授予你更强的力量! 咪啦哆咪哔...', '好了, 我已经将你现在的能力提升了!', '记住: 如果你没有足够的实力的话,', '不要去第二十一层. 在那一层里,', '你所有宝物的法力都会失去作用.']
    self.hero.has_cross = False
    self.hero.life_value = int(self.hero.life_value * 4 / 3)
    self.hero.attack_power = int(self.hero.attack_power * 4 / 3)
    self.hero.defense_power = int(self.hero.defense_power * 4 / 3)


栏    目:Python代码

下一篇:pandas groupby + unstack的使用说明




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