时间:2021-04-01 08:19:14|栏目:jquery|点击: 次
2.输入特定的内容,系统会给你相应的回复(这里我只设置了Hello,How are you和询问时间的自动回复)。
4.问时间的时候,根据现在的时间,会给你相应的不同的回复,比如现在是22-23点,系统会回复你“good night”。
<div class="chat-box"> </div> <form class="form-inline chat-form"> <input type="text" class="form-control chat-message" placeholder="Say Something"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary chat-send" title="Send Message"> <i class="fa fa-paper-plane" aria-hidden="true"> </i> </button> <button type="reset" class="btn btn-success chat-reset" title="Reset Message"> <i class="fa fa-refresh" aria-hidden="true"> </i> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger chat-clear" title="Clear the Chat Box"> <i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"> </i> </button> </form> <hr> <footer> Designed By <a href="http://blog.csdn.net/alenhhy" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"> Alen Hu </a> </footer>
$(document).ready(function() { //send the message by click $(".chat-send").click(sendMsg); //press enter to send $("form").keypress(function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); sendMsg(); } }); //clear the chat box $(".chat-clear").click(clearChatBox); }); //send message to chat box function sendMsg() { var msg = $(".chat-message"); var msgVal = msg.val(); var chatBox = $(".chat-box"); if (msgVal) { var msgAppend = "<p><span id='you'>You: </span>" + msgVal + "</p><hr class='you-hr'>"; chatBox.append(msgAppend); } else {} //dialog reply dialog(msgVal); //empty input msg.val(""); //keep the scroll in bottom chatBox.scrollTop(chatBox[0].scrollHeight); } //set up the AI dialog function dialog(msg){ var replyArr = ["Hi, how's it going :)","I'm good, thx, U? :)"]; msg = msg.toLowerCase(); var time = new Date(); var hour = time.getHours(); var minute = time.getMinutes(); var currentTime = plusZero(hour) + ":" + plusZero(minute); var chatBox = $(".chat-box"); if(msg.indexOf("hello") != -1){ chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>" + replyArr[0] + "</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); } else if(msg.indexOf("how are you") != -1 || msg.indexOf("how are u") != -1){ chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>" + replyArr[1] + "</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); } else if(msg.indexOf("time") != -1){ chatBox.append("<p><span id='ai'>AI: </span>Current Time: " + currentTime + ". " + timeGreeting(hour) + "~ :)</p><hr class='ai-hr'>"); } else {} } //add 0 if time number is <10 function plusZero(x){ if(x < 10){ x = "0" + x; } else { x = x; } return x; } //greeting by hour function timeGreeting(h){ var greeting = ["U need to sleep","Good morning","Lunch time now","Feel asleep? Have some coffee","Free time~Yeah","Good night"]; if(h>=0&&h<=6){ return greeting[0]; } else if(h>=7&&h<=10){ return greeting[1]; } else if(h>=11&&h<=13){ return greeting[2]; } else if(h>=14&&h<=18){ return greeting[3]; } else if(h>=19&&h<=21){ return greeting[4]; } else if(h>=22&&h<=23){ return greeting[5]; } else { return ""; } } //clear the chat box function clearChatBox() { $(".chat-box").html(""); }
DEMO在这儿,欢迎FORK:AI Chat Box。
栏 目:jquery
下一篇:浅谈jQuery hover(over, out)事件函数