时间:2022-07-07 09:50:21|栏目:vue|点击: 次
<template> <div class="sign"> <div class="header"> <i class="el-icon-arrow-left backImg" @click="goBack"></i> <span class="title">个人签名</span> </div> <section class="signature"> <div class="signatureBox"> <div class="canvasBox" ref="canvasHW"> <canvas ref="canvasF" class="canvasStyle" @touchstart='touchStart' @touchmove='touchMove' @touchend='touchEnd' @mousedown="mouseDown" @mousemove="mouseMove" @mouseup="mouseUp"></canvas> </div> </div> </section> <div class="btnBox"> <div @click="overwrite" class="btn1">重置</div> <div @click="commit" class="btn1">确定</div> </div> <div class="imglist-box" :style="imgUrlList.length>0 ? 'border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;' : ''"> <img v-for="i in imgUrlList" class="imgCanvas" :src="i"> <img v-show="imgUrlList.length>0" src="../../assets/img/signdelete.png" class="resign" @click="deleteAll"> </div> <div class="tijiao-box"> <button @click="commitAll" class="tijiao">提 交</button> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { Bus } from '@/utils' export default { name:'personsign', data() { return { stageInfo:'', imgUrl:'', imgUrlList:[], client: {}, points: [], canvasTxt: null, startX: 0, startY: 0, moveY: 0, moveX: 0, endY: 0, endX: 0, w: null, h: null, isDown: false, isViewAutograph: this.$route.query.isViews > 0, contractSuccess: this.$route.query.contractSuccess, } }, mounted() { let canvas = this.$refs.canvasF canvas.height = this.$refs.canvasHW.offsetHeight -0 canvas.width = this.$refs.canvasHW.offsetWidth - 0 this.canvasTxt = canvas.getContext('2d') this.canvasTxt.lineWidth = 4 this.stageInfo = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() }, methods: { goBack(){ this.$router.go(-1) // session.clear() }, //mobile touchStart(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (ev.touches.length == 1) { let obj = { x: ev.targetTouches[0].clienX, y: ev.targetTouches[0].clientY, } this.startX = obj.x this.startY = obj.y this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.points.push(obj) } }, touchMove(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (ev.touches.length == 1) { let obj = { x: ev.targetTouches[0].clientX - this.stageInfo.left, y: ev.targetTouches[0].clientY - } this.moveY = obj.y this.moveX = obj.x this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.startY = obj.y this.startX = obj.x this.points.push(obj) } }, touchEnd(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (ev.touches.length == 1) { let obj = { x: ev.targetTouches[0].clientX - this.stageInfo.left, y: ev.targetTouches[0].clientY - } this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.points.push(obj) } }, //pc mouseDown(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (1) { let obj = { x: ev.offsetX, y: ev.offsetY } this.startX = obj.x this.startY = obj.y this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() // this.canvasTxt.strokeRect(20,20,80,100); this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.points.push(obj) this.isDown = true } }, mouseMove(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (this.isDown) { let obj = { x: ev.offsetX, y: ev.offsetY } this.moveY = obj.y this.moveX = obj.x this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.startY = obj.y this.startX = obj.x this.points.push(obj) } }, mouseUp(ev) { ev = ev || event ev.preventDefault() if (1) { let obj = { x: ev.offsetX, y: ev.offsetY } this.canvasTxt.beginPath() this.canvasTxt.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.canvasTxt.lineTo(obj.x, obj.y) this.canvasTxt.stroke() this.canvasTxt.closePath() this.points.push(obj) this.points.push({x: -1, y: -1}) this.isDown = false } }, //重写 overwrite() { this.canvasTxt.clearRect(0, 0, this.$refs.canvasF.width, this.$refs.canvasF.height) this.points = [] }, //确定签名 commit() { this.imgUrl=this.$refs.canvasF.toDataURL(); this.imgUrlList.push(this.imgUrl) if(this.imgUrlList.length>0){ this.canvasTxt.clearRect(0, 0, this.$refs.canvasF.width, this.$refs.canvasF.height) this.points = [] } }, deleteAll(){ this.imgUrlList = [] }, // 提交签名给前一页 commitAll(){ // 用canvas合并多张图片的base64为一张图的base64 var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = 75*this.imgUrlList.length; canvas.height = 100; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.rect(0 , 0 , canvas.width , canvas.height); context.fillStyle = "#fff"; context.fill(); var myImage = new Image(); myImage.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; // 当签名列表有值时 if(this.imgUrlList.length>0){ for(let i = 0;i<this.imgUrlList.length;i++){ myImage.src = this.imgUrlList[i] // 多张图片绘制成一张图片 context.drawImage(myImage , 50*i , 0 , 75 , 75); //context.drawImage(img,x,y,width,height); // context.font = "60px Courier New"; // context.fillText("我是文字",350,450); } var base64 = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpg"); //"image/jpg" 这里注意一下 this.$router.go(-1) //要在bus之前写不然值传不回去 setTimeout(() => { Bus.$emit('signImage',base64) //签名base64传给前一页 }, 300) } } }, beforeDestroy(){ // 销毁bus Bus.$off() } } </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> // 签名样式很重要,会影响触点位置 .sign{ width: 100%; min-height: 100vh; position: relative; .header{ margin-bottom: 20px; } .tijiao-box{ width: 100%; text-align: center; } .tijiao{ width: 90%; height: 84px; color: #fff; border-radius: 2px; background: #fa4b31; box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1px #fa4b31; font-size: 30px; } } .signature{ width: 100%; height: 50vh; } .imglist-box{ width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 20px; position: relative; } .imgCanvas{ width: 150px; height: 150px; } .resign{ width: 14%; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; } .signatureBox { width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; height: calc(100% - 50px); box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; background: #fff; z-index: 100; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .canvasBox { width: 100%; align-items: center; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1; } canvas { background-image: url('../../assets/img/signbg.png'); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-origin: border-box; background-size: 100% 100%; } .btnBox{ width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 20px; .btn1{ width: 46%; height: 84px; line-height: 84px; color: #fa4b31; border-radius: 2px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #fa4b31; box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1px #fa4b31; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; } } .btnBox button:first-of-type { background: transparent; border-radius: 4px; height: 40px; width: 80px; font-size: 14px; } .btnBox button:last-of-type { background: #71b900; color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; height: 40px; width: 80px; font-size: 14px; } </style>
上一篇:解决vue项目运行出现warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option的报错问题
栏 目:vue