位置:首页 > 杂项 > 技术点滴 > centos7关闭防火墙


安装的是centOS7 mini,apache httpd的80端口始终访问不了,发现是防火墙问题,网上查了很多方法,好像都没成功。

直接命令:service firewalld stop

1. Disable Firewalld Service.
systemctl mask firewalld

2. Stop Firewalld Service.
systemctl stop firewalld

3. Install iptables service related packages.
yum -y install iptables-services

4. Make sure service starts at boot:
systemctl enable iptables

# If you do not want ip6tables, You can skip following command.
systemctl enable ip6tables

5. Now, Finally Let’s start the iptables services.
systemctl start iptables

# If you do not want ip6tables, You can skip following command.
systemctl start ip6tables

Firewalld Service is now disabled and stop, You can use iptables.