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if语句构建体可具有一个或多个可选的 else-if 结构。当 if 条件不满足,则紧跟的 else-if 被执行。当 else-if 还是失败,其继续下一个 else-if 语句(如果有的话)被执行,依此类推。

可选的 else 被放置在末端,当上述条件不为真时则执行。

  • 所有 else 语句 (else-if 和 else)都是可选的。
  • else-if 可以使用一次或多次
  • else 必须始终被放置在构建体的末端,应该只出现一次。


if...else if...else 语句的语法是:

if (logical expression 1) then 
   ! block 1   
else if (logical expression 2) then       
   ! block 2   
else if (logical expression 3) then       
   ! block 3  
   ! block 4   
end if [name]


program ifElseIfElseProg
implicit none

   ! local variable declaration
   integer :: a = 100
   ! check the logical condition using if statement
   if( a == 10 ) then
      ! if condition is true then print the following 
      print*, "Value of a is 10" 
   else if( a == 20 ) then
      ! if else if condition is true 
      print*, "Value of a is 20" 
   else if( a == 30 ) then
      ! if else if condition is true  
      print*, "Value of a is 30" 
      ! if none of the conditions is true 
      print*, "None of the values is matching" 
   end if
   print*, "exact value of a is ", a
end program ifElseIfElseProg
None of the values is matching
exact value of a is 100