时间:2023-02-03 07:38:29 | 栏目:vue | 点击:次
假设我们已经了解vue组件常见的有父子组件通信,兄弟组件通信。而父子组件通信很简单,父组件会通过 props 向下传数据给子组件,当子组件有事情要告诉父组件时会通过 $emit 事件告诉父组件。那么当两个组件之间不是父子关系,怎样传递数据呢?
我们封装了一个名为 NestedDir
的子组件(嵌套目录的意思),内容如下(用到了element ui组件):
<!-- NestedDir.vue --> <template> <ul class="nest_wrapper"> <li v-for="(el, index) in nested" :key="index"> <div v-if="el.type ==='dir'" class="dir"> <p>{{el.name}}</p> <div class="btn_group"> <el-button type="warning" size="mini" @click="add({id: el.id, type: 'dir'})">新增目录</el-button> <el-button type="warning" size="mini" @click="add({id: el.id, type: 'file'})">新增文件</el-button> </div> </div> <div v-if="el.type ==='file'" class="file"> <p>{{el.name}}</p> </div> <NestedDir v-if="el.children" :nested="el.children"/> </li> </ul> </template> <script> export default { name: "NestedDir", props: { nested: { type: Array, } }, methods: { add(el) { this.$emit('change', el) } } } </script>
可以看出这个 NestedDir 接收父级传来的 nested 数组类型的数据,并且它的内部点击 新增目录、新增文件,可以触发 父级 监听的 change 事件。比较特殊的是这个组件中调用了自己:
<NestedDir v-if="el.children" :nested="el.children"/>
我们传递给它的 nested 数据结构大概是下面的样子:
[{ "id": 1, "name": "目录1", "type": "dir", "children": [{ "id": 2, "name": "目录3", "type": "dir", "children": [], "pid": 1 }, { "id": 3, "name": "文件2", "type": "file", "pid": 1 }] }, { "id": 4, "name": "目录2", "type": "dir", "children": [] }, { "id": 5, "name": "文件1", "type": "file", "children": [] }]
父组件中调用 NestedDir:
<!-- directory.vue --> <template> <div style="width: 50%;box-shadow: 0 0 4px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1);margin: 10px auto;padding-bottom: 10px;"> <!-- 顶部按钮组 --> <div class="btn_group"> <el-button type="warning" size="mini" @click="showDialog({type: 'dir'})">新增目录</el-button> <el-button type="warning" size="mini" @click="showDialog({type: 'file'})">新增文件</el-button> </div> <!-- 嵌套组件 --> <NestedDir :nested="catalog" @change="handleChange"/> <!-- 新增弹出框 --> <el-dialog :title="title" :visible.sync="dialogFormVisible" width="300px"> <el-form :model="form"> <el-form-item label="名称"> <el-input v-model="form.name" autocomplete="off"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-form> <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="dialogFormVisible = false">取 消</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="confirm">确 定</el-button> </div> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import NestedDir from "./NestedDir"; export default { name: "directory", components: { NestedDir }, created() { this.catalog = this.getTree() }, computed: { maxId() { return this.arr.lastIndex + 2 }, topNodes() { this.arr.forEach(item => { if (item.children) item.children = [] }) return this.arr.filter(item => !item.pid) } }, data() { return { arr: [ {id: 1, name: '目录1', type: 'dir', children: []}, {id: 2, name: '目录3', type: 'dir', children: [], pid: 1}, {id: 3, name: '文件2', type: 'file', pid: 1}, {id: 4, name: '目录2', type: 'dir', children: []}, {id: 5, name: '文件1', type: 'file'}, ], title: '', dialogFormVisible: false, form: { id: '', name: '', type: '', pid: '' }, catalog: [] } }, methods: { handleChange(el) { this.showDialog(el) }, confirm() { this.arr.push({...this.form}) this.dialogFormVisible = false this.catalog = this.getTree() this.form = { id: '', name: '', type: '', pid: '' , // 父级的id } }, showDialog(el) { if (el.type === 'dir') { this.title = '新增目录' this.form.children = [] this.form.type = 'dir' } else { this.title = '新增文件' this.form.type = 'file' } if (el.id) { this.form.pid = el.id this.form.id = this.maxId } else { this.form.id = this.maxId } this.dialogFormVisible = true }, getTree() { this.topNodes.forEach(node => { this.getChildren(this.arr, node.children, node.id) }) return this.topNodes }, getChildren(data, result, pid) { for (let item of data) { if (item.pid === pid) { const newItem = {...item, children: []} result.push(newItem) this.getChildren(data, newItem.children, item.id) } } } } } </script> <style scoped> .btn_group { padding: 20px 10px; background-color: rgba(87, 129, 189, 0.13); } </style>
我们构造出了一个理论上可以无限嵌套的目录结构,但是经过测试发现 在二级目录上的 新增按钮 点击是没有任何反应的,原因是我们在 NestedDir 中调用了它自己并没有监听内部的change事件(上边提到过),所以它无法触发 父级的-父级 的监听事件。
// main.js import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' export const eventBus = new Vue(); // creating an event bus. new Vue({ render: h => h(App), }).$mount('#app')
这样我们来改造一下 directory.vue,只需要改动srcipt部分:
<script> import NestedDir from "./NestedDir"; import { eventBus } from "../main"; export default { name: "directory", components: { NestedDir }, created() { this.catalog = this.getTree() eventBus.$on('change', function (data) { // todo 向之前一样处理即可 }) }, destroyed() { eventBus.$off('change') }, computed: { maxId() { return this.arr.lastIndex + 2 } }, data() { return { arr: [ {id: 1, name: '目录1', type: 'dir', children: []}, {id: 2, name: '目录3', type: 'dir', children: [], pid: 1}, {id: 3, name: '文件2', type: 'file', pid: 1}, {id: 4, name: '目录2', type: 'dir', children: []}, {id: 5, name: '文件1', type: 'file'}, ], title: '', dialogFormVisible: false, form: { id: '', name: '', type: '', pid: '' }, catalog: [] } }, methods: { handleChange(el) { this.showDialog(el) }, confirm() { this.arr.push({...this.form}) this.dialogFormVisible = false this.catalog = this.getTree() this.form = { id: '', name: '', type: '', pid: '' , // 父级的id } }, showDialog(el) { if (el.type === 'dir') { this.title = '新增目录' this.form.children = [] this.form.type = 'dir' } else { this.title = '新增文件' this.form.type = 'file' } if (el.id) { this.form.pid = el.id this.form.id = this.maxId } else { this.form.id = this.maxId } this.dialogFormVisible = true }, getTree() { this.topNodes.forEach(node => { this.getChildren(this.arr, node.children, node.id) }) return this.topNodes }, getChildren(data, result, pid) { for (let item of data) { if (item.pid === pid) { const newItem = {...item, children: []} result.push(newItem) this.getChildren(data, newItem.children, item.id) } } } } } </script>
引入了import { eventBus } from "../main";
created() { eventBus.$on('change', function (data) { this.handleChange(data) }) }, destroyed() { eventBus.$off('change') }
NestedDir.vue 中也需要做相应改动,只需要修改methods中的add方法:
import { eventBus } from "../main"; //...略 methods: { add(el) { // this.$emit('change', el) eventBus.$emit('change', el) } }
上面的eventBus只在Vue2中有效,Vue3中已经移除了$on, $off 这些方法,所以下一篇文章打算自己做一个Vue的插件来处理这种类似于Pub/Sub的情况。