时间:2021-05-09 07:43:07 | 栏目:VBS | 点击:次
1、如果 vbscript 默认引擎非cscript,需要修改称cscript。修改方法很简单,直接在运行中输入:
cscript //Nologo //H:Cscript
2、下载IIS日志分析工具 压缩包/vbs/vbs-iis-log-jb51.rar,解压,打开log.vbs,修改dbpath为您当前解压的路径。
3、下载您的log日志文件,删掉前三行和第四行的#Fields: ,保存文件名为test.txt,保存到解压目录。
4、在开始运行中用cmd命令打开命令提示符,直接把 log.vbs拖拽到命令提示符中,回车即可开始分析。
'============================================================= '= Copyright (c) 2010 猫七(QQ:77068320) = '= All rights reserverd. = '============================================================= '= IIS日志分析系统 v_1.10.0828 = '= 使用说明:http://www.miaoqiyuan.cn/p/iis-log-tools = '= 作者博客:http://www.miaoqiyuan.cn = '= 版权声明:本代码供站长免费使用,传播请保留版权信息 = '============================================================= '= 程序简介:在网上找了很多IIS日志分析工具,功能简单,只能 = '= 分析爬虫来访次数。有时候我们小站长也想分析下广告点击情况 = '= ,这时候市面上的IIS统计工具就无能为力了。耗时一晚上写出来 = '= 分享给大家,同时申请落伍,请大家帮顶。 = '= 申请地址:http://www.im286.com/thread-5021543-1-1.html = '============================================================= '= 文件:log.vbs = '= 功能:IIS日志分析,懂程序的朋友可扩展,功能不可限量 = '============================================================= dbpath = "D:\log" '日志文件所在目录 tblna = "test.txt" '日志文件名,如果修改请同时修改 Schema.ini 中相关节点 function getuag(str) if instr(str,"+MSIE+7.0;")>0 then getuag = "Internet Explore 7.0" elseif instr(str,"+MSIE+8.0;")>0 then getuag = "Internet Explore 8.0" elseif instr(str,"+MSIE+6.0;")>0 then getuag = "Internet Explore 6.0" elseif instr(str,"MSIE")>0 then getuag = "Internet Explore(Other)" elseif instr(str,"curl")>0 then getuag = "CUrl" else getuag = str end if end function wscript.echo string(60,"=") wscript.echo " IIS日志分析工具 By 苗启源(MiaoQiyuan.cn)" wscript.echo string(60,"=") set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dbpath & ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited;""" set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") '统计 链接访问次数 statime = timer() rs.open "select [cs-uri-stem],count([c-ip]) from [" & tblna & "] group by [cs-uri-stem]",conn,1,1 ga = rs.getrows() rs.close wscript.echo " = 访问次数 = | = 独立访客 = | = 访问路径 = " wscript.echo string(60,"-") for i = 0 to ubound(ga,2) rsid = rsid + 1 tme = ga(1,i) uri = ga(0,i) '不支持 COUNT DISTINCT 郁闷,使用笨拙的方法 rs.open "select DISTINCT [c-ip] from [" & tblna & "] where [cs-uri-stem]='" & uri & "'",conn,1,1 aip = rs.recordcount rs.close wscript.echo string(10 - len(tme)," ") & tme & " | " & string(8 - len(aip)," ") & aip & " | " & uri next wscript.echo string(60,"-") wscript.echo " 统计:" & rsid & "条记录 查询用时:" & formatnumber((timer() - statime) * 1000,3) & "毫秒" wscript.echo string(60,"-") & vbCrlf '统计 访问详情 for i = 0 to ubound(ga,2) rsid = 0 uri = ga(0,i) wscript.echo string(60,"=") wscript.echo " 访问详情:" & uri wscript.echo string(60,"=") statime = timer() wscript.echo " = 编号 = | = IP地址 = | = 浏览器类型 = " rs.open "select DISTINCT [c-ip],[cs(User-Agent)] from [" & tblna & "] where [cs-uri-stem]='" & uri & "'",conn,1,1 do while not rs.eof rsid = rsid + 1 'IP 自动变成了数字,还没有找到解决方法 cip = rs(0) uag = getuag(rs(1)) wscript.echo string(8 - len(rsid)," ") & rsid & " | " & string(8 - len(cip)," ") & cip & " | " & uag rs.movenext loop rs.close wscript.echo string(60,"-") wscript.echo " 统计:" & rsid & "条记录 查询用时:" & formatnumber((timer() - statime) * 1000,3) & "毫秒" wscript.echo string(60,"-") & vbCrlf next